
IO1 - What is doping? - Opinions, knowledge and attitudes towards the use of substances among sport recreational environment participants 
A comprehensive introduction what doping is - with a feedback from the sport and recreational community about existing ideas, values, stereotypes and considerations - in 80 pages

IO2 - Description and Impact Evaluation of Training Course on Doping Prevention with Guidelines
Educational training material made both for raising awareness and knowledge about the concept and use of doping and explaining the methodology applied by the project.

IO3 - Comic DRAWS
A comic – available in English, Italian, and Croatian – on how doping reaches the lives of athletes and young people, prepared to be understood primarily by a teenage audience.

IO4 – Your Voice to Europe
The last project output, summing up all the information and analysis gathered and produced during the project and made available to policy makers – in the form of policy recommendations – to be shared and disseminated also with all the interested stakeholders in the field of sport and beyond.

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